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Tort Law clarifies environmental liability

By Beatrice Schaffrath and Zhang Danian, Baker & McKenzie

Enforcement of IP rights in imports: the dual SIM saga

By Manisha Singh Nair, Lex Orbis

Latin American infrastructure ripe for Chinese investment

By Samantha Hu and Chad Purdie, Diaz Reus & Targ

Understanding investment in Australian real estate

By Michael Wadley and PC Feng, Blake Dawson

Judicial rules on the release of goods without a bill of lading

By Li Feng and Steven Zhou, LC & Co.

The Bi Feng Tang case: What do franchise fees really mean?

By Harry He, AllBright Law Offices

The PRC Anti-unfair Competition Law and intellectual property protection

By Wang Yadong and Lu Lei, Run Ming Law Office

Switch of domicile by foreign enterprises (2): approvals and procedures

By Martin Hu and Kenneth Kong, Martin Hu & Partners

Copenhagen – the start of a new phase of global climate change negotiations

By Paul Curnow and Zhang Danian, Baker & McKenzie

Climate change measures evolve and converge

By Beatrice Schaffrath and David Smith, Baker & McKenzie

Switch of domicile by foreign enterprises (1): methods and options

By Martin Hu and Kenneth Kong, Martin Hu & Partners

Issues in civil actions involving well-known trademarks

By Wang Yadong and Lu Lei, Run Ming Law Office

A look at the franchise business

By Harry He, AllBright Law Offices

Somali pirates: how far away from us?

By Weidong Chen and Rui Pan, LC&Co

Foreign Investment Review Board – recent developments

By Michael Wadley and PC Feng, Blake Dawson

Issues facing Chinese enterprises investing in Japan (part 1)

By Hiroshige Nakagawa, Anderson Mori and Tomotsune

China and Latin America: striking a new balance

By Robert Lee and Gerardo Rodriguez-Albizu, Diaz Reus & Targ

The US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: what companies in China need to know

The US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is a powerful statute which governs many US-China transactions and communications. Its implications for Chinese, US and other companies are far-reaching, and the penalties for its violation severe

Examining the IP enforcement scenario in India

By Manisha Singh Nair, Lex Orbis

Choosing dispute resolution methods in a financial crisis

By Ma Jiangtao, Dacheng Law Offices

Patentees tread carefully without implementing regulations

The third revision of the PRC Patent Law took effect on 1 October, but implementing regulations only exist in draft form. China Business Law Journal asked lawyers and corporate counsel how the new law was working out in practice

Making hay while the sun shines

As China emerges from the economic downturn, the rules of the game have changed. Law firms are adapting to the new environment, and in-house counsel are under pressure to do more work in-house

Tips for insolvency administration of NEEQ-listed companies

By Wang Zhenxiang, Jingtian & Gongcheng



The A-List 2023-24: Rising Stars

100 young elite lawyers for China market

Deals of the year China 2023

China Deals of The Year 2023

From blockbuster issuances to fiercely contested disputes, we proudly unveil the Deals of the Year 2023


The A-List 2023-24: Growth Drivers

Leaders of seven leading arbitration institutions review their development highlights and explore future landscape


Secondary editing short videos

Key compliance points for secondary editing of short videos

By Cheng Shixiong, AllBright Law Offices
Dispute over unused annual leave questions

Questions concerning dispute over unused annual leave

By Tracy Liu and Larry Lian, Jingtian & Gongcheng
Land requirements new energy investments Cyprus

Land requirements for new energy investments in Cyprus

By Wang Jihong and Xu Yibai, Zhong Lun Law Firm


Elite lawyers' work-life balance

Grind and unwind

What hobbies do A-List lawyers indulge in outside of work?

Legal visionaries share firm leadership secrets

Leading the way

Law firm managers shed light on essential leadership in a negative market

Feel your way

Feel your way

GCs, IP partners discuss navigating economic, regulatory complexities for Chinese and foreign companies


Making retention title claim

Making a claim using the retention of title clause

By Meng Ting, GoldenGate Lawyers
China and Hong Kong's Mutual Recognition of Funds

New chapter for northbound Mutual Recognition of Funds

By Sue Sun and Elaine Wang, Llinks Law Offices
Impact of reverse CFIUS

Impact of reverse CFIUS on American limited partners

By Hu Yao, Han Kun Law Offices



Habeas corpus

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