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Tag: Shanghai Pacific Legal

IPR protection for companies going abroad

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Creative AI: when new isn’t original

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Design patent protection of graphical user interface

By Frank Liu and Ding Xiaodi, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Case study: TM confirmation under adverse circumstances

By Frank Liu and Jerry Huang, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Case studies: Fighting back the IP raiders

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

A battle of wits

China is emerging as a leader in legaltech as it reforms and modernises its legal frameworks

Easy to miss registration steps in cross-border tech transfer

By Frank Liu and Ding Xiaodi, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Smart moves

With businesses besieged on multiple fronts, Chinese and international law firms offer tips for survival

Business market shift raises IP issues

By Frank Liu and Ding Xiaodi, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Crucial impact of deep communication on IP strategy

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Considering settlement in intellectual property strategy

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

IP strategy in AI times

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

The threshold of change

Big benefits from progressive IP protection but tech advances bring fresh challenges

Viewing early IP strategies from a long-term perspective

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Tailoring IP strategy to case specifics

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Importance of intellectual property due diligence in M&A

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Applying legal analysis and logic in IP strategies

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Timing is everything when implementing IP strategy

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

IP strategies: details determine success or failure

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Trademark strategy: it sometimes pays to purchase

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Pursuing criminal liability in intellectual property

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Stepping up IP strategy with external agents

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Strategic focus in intellectual property disputes

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Prevention and control of IP risks by SMEs

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Holding IP infringers jointly and severally liable

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Technology IP protection on the rise

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Good communication – the secret sauce in IP protection

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Ups & downs

IP-related issues to be wary of in M&A

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal

Evidence collection in IP infringement cases

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal


Risks of circumventing the Investment Canada Act

Circumventing ICA ‒ and the risks of anti-circumvention

By Wang Jihong and Zhao Huiqi, Zhong Lun Law Firm

Liabilities and compliance tips for information disclosure

By Chen Zhuoling, Starrise Law Firm
Uninvited takeover bids' unprecedented rise in Japan

Taking on uninvited takeover bids

Publicly traded Japanese companies are facing novel pressures to deal with unexpected acquirers knocking on their doors


The International A-list 2024

We reveal the foreign lawyers most recommended by clients and peers for their work on India matters


Secondary editing short videos

Key compliance points for secondary editing of short videos

By Cheng Shixiong, AllBright Law Offices
Roll-up Vehicles in Indiavideo

Roll-up vehicles driving early-stage investments

By Swathi Girimaji and Sachit Ram, Bharucha & Partners
Incorporation of Arbitration Clausevideo

Reference to arbitration must be specific

By Sudeshna Guha Roy and Alabh Lal, Bharucha & Partners

Customs protection of IPRs and compliance guidance in cross-border e-commerce

By Jia Xiaoning and Ningjing, AllBright Law Offices

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