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With the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has just completed its five-year startup phase, general counsel Gerard Sanders will be leaving his role at the helm of the legal team he has led since the...


ESTABLISHED IN 1996 Total number of professionals: 45 (15 partners) Principal office: London Offices in Asia: Beijing, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Port Moresby, Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo Key practice areas Banking & finance, competition & antitrust, corporate and M&A, dispute resolution,...
Gerard Sandersvideo


With the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank having just completed its five-year startup phase, general counsel Gerard Sanders will be leaving his role at the helm of the legal team that he has led since...


India law firm billing rates 2009 India law firm billing rates 2010 India law firm billing rates 2011 India law firm billing rates 2012 India law firm billing rates 2013 India law firm billing rates 2014 India law firm billing...


This column discusses restatements of law. It begins by explaining the nature of restatements, their impact, and why they developed in the US. It then explores their potential to inspire initiatives in other countries,...


This article discuss the concept of anti-dumping under the World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, and considers the factors behind some of the current challenges facing world trade in this area. It commences by looking...


ESTABLISHED IN 1867 China Managing Partner: Nicholas Plowman Number of partners:  80, with 9 based in Hong Kong Number of associates: 199, with 30 based in Hong Kong Firm overview Ogier provides legal advice on British Virgin Islands (BVI),...


ESTABLISHED IN 2012 Managing Partner: Bruno Grangier     Number of partners: 5   Number of associates: 10 Firm overview Leaf is specialised in M&A cross-border transactions. Our firm has received multiple awards in recent years. Our firm is one of the few...


ESTABLISHED IN 1975 Managing Partner: Andrew Powner Number of partners: 15 Number of associates: 33 Firm overview Haldanes is a Hong Kong-based law firm experienced in serving the needs of clients, both locally and throughout the Asia-Pacific. Established in...
Agents ad litem


The English word “pandemic” derives from two Greek words: pan meaning “all” and demos meaning “people”. The Chinese word – 全球大流行 – is much more direct, meaning “great global spread”. During the course of the...


Data protection and cybersecurity are evolving areas of regulation in Asia. Here, experts shed light on emerging jurisprudence in the region’s top jurisdictions Navigation China India Indonesia Taiwan CHINA We are now at a frustrating moment. COVID-19 cuts down the number...


Governments across the region are being forced to clear the regulatory air on virtual currencies as they can no longer afford to ignore their popularity Navigation India South Korea Thailand INDIA Authorities across the world are wary of cryptocurrencies because...


With COVID-19 threatening economic havoc across the region, governments are trying to avoid knockout blows as they grapple with life or death policy moves and decisions affecting business survival. Mithun Varkey reports The COVID-19 pandemic...


ESTABLISHED IN 2006 Total number of professionals: 80 (24 partners) Principal office: Makati Other office: Cebu Key practice areas Litigation: Intra-corporate disputes; corporate rehabilitation and liquidation; contractual disputes; debt and asset recovery; family law; torts and damages; testate and intestate...


ESTABLISHED IN 2003 Total number of professionals: 24 (5 partners) Principal office: Jakarta Key practice areas General corporate & company law; M&A; banking & finance; capital markets & securities, direct & indirect foreign investment; IP rights, energy &...
Chinese Law Firm Billing Rates and Lawyer Fees 2019


As competition heats up, can law firms avoid low-cost chaos? Richard Li reports With the economy under pressure and slowing, the legal departments of many enterprises are keeping a closer eye on their budget control, resulting...


ESTABLISHED IN 1963 Senior Partner: Theresa Chong Number of partners: 48 Number of associates: 66 Firm Overview Skrine is one of the oldest, largest and most awarded legal firms in Malaysia, with a sterling global reputation, the most honours,...


ESTABLISHED IN 1898 Lead Partner: Janney Chong Number of partners: 80+ Number of associates: 300+  Firm overview RPC is a modern and commercially focused international law firm. We combine forward thinking innovation with a premium level of service delivery...


ESTABLISHED IN 1902 Managing Partners: Jose Buenaventura Number of partners: 50 Number of associates: 48 Firm Overview Romulo Mabanta Buenaventura Sayoc & de Los Angeles, or Romulo, is a Philippine-based law firm well known and highly regarded for its...


ESTABLISHED IN 1827, SHANGHAI IN 2001, BEIJING IN 2010, HONG KONG IN 2000 Chief Representative: Chen Bi (Beijing) Number of partners: 270+ (Global) Number of associates: 900+ (Global) Firm Overview MinterEllison is an international law firm, headquartered in Australia...


ESTABLISHED IN 1957 Lead China Desk: Dieter Gericke Number of partners: 33 Number of associates: 120 Firm Overview As a leading Swiss corporate law firm, we advise and represent enterprises and entrepreneurs in all aspects of commercial law –...


ESTABLISHED IN 1960 Asia Managing Partner: Ian Mann Number of partners: 60 Number of associates: 150+ Firm Overview Harneys is a global offshore law and fiduciary services firm with entrepreneurial thinking. Open, progressive and personable, our multilingual team works...


ESTABLISHED IN 1995 Managing Partners: Oleksiy Didkovskiy, Serhii Sviriba, Armen Khachaturyan Number of partners: 28 Number of associates: 111 Firm Overview Asters is the largest Ukrainian law firm with a presence in Kiev, London, Washington DC and Brussels. Asters combines...


ESTABLISHED IN 2005 Total number of professionals: 60+ Principal office: Mumbai Other office: New Delhi Key practice areas Arbitration; aviation; asset-based finance; banking; bankruptcy; capital markets; commercial law; competition law; corporate law; energy; environmental law; exchange control; foreign investment;...


ESTABLISHED IN 2000 Total number of professionals: 450+ (over 65 partners) Offices: Bengaluru, Chennai, Gurugram, Hyderabad, Mumbai and New Delhi Key practice areas Aviation; anti-bribery & anti-corruption; banking & finance; capital markets & international offerings; competition law; corporate...


ESTABLISHED IN 1991 Total number of professionals: 450 (128 partners) Principal office: Gurugram Other offices: Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Mumbai, Gurugram, Hyderabad and New Delhi Key practice areas Corporate; disputes; finance. Our services JSA is a leading national law firm in India...


ESTABLISHED IN 1997 Total number of professionals: 150 (8 partners) Principal office: New Delhi Other offices:  Bengaluru, Chennai, Mumbai Key practice areas Aviation; banking & finance; corporate & commercial; defence; healthcare & pharmaceuticals; intellectual property; licensing & franchising; litigation;...


ESTABLISHED IN 2004 Total number of professionals: 18 (3 partners) Principal office: New Delhi Key practice areas Anti-corruption & anti-bribery; arbitration & ADR; bankruptcy & insolvency; competition & antitrust; corporate & commercial; data protection & privacy; fintech; intellectual...


ESTABLISHED IN 2007 Total number of professionals:  110 (26 partners) Principal office: Mumbai Other offices: New Delhi Key practice areas Banking & finance; bankruptcy & insolvency; capital markets; competition & antitrust; compliance; corporate & commercial; corporate governance; data protection;...


A reformation of law firms in China is occurring as older traditions fade in an environment of regional and global expansion. New models for legal services are being embraced, but will they work in...


ESTABLISHED IN 1989 Managing Partner: Xiao Wei Number of partners: 240 Number of associates: 560 Firm Overview JunHe, founded in Beijing in 1989, is one of the first private partnership law firms in China. Since its establishment, JunHe has...
Science and Technology Innovation Board


China’s eagerly awaited Science and Technology Innovation Board opens a key financing channel for innovative tech and will have a profound impact on China’s capital market, writes Luo WeiTeng Shouldering the dream of a Chinese...
Grounded Jet Airways


Did the reluctance of Jet Airways’ creditors to pursue bankruptcy proceedings point to turbulence in the insolvency regime? Rebecca Abraham reports Editor’s note: The National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) Mumbai bench admitted the insolvency petition...


72小时!1000+行业大咖!逾万亿资本!第二十一届风险投资论坛重磅来袭! 由民建中央、广东省人民政府、广州市人民政府、深圳市人民政府主办,科学技术部支持,中国风险投资研究院、中国证券投资基金业协会、科学技术部火炬高技术产业开发中心、民建广东省委、广东省地方金融监督管理局、广州市地方金融监督管理局、广州市科学技术局、深圳市地方金融监督管理局、广州南沙开发区(自贸区南沙片区)管委会、广州金融控股集团有限公司、证券时报社、中国风险投资有限公司、广州风投资本研究院有限公司、深圳中投风险投资研究发展有限公司共同承办的“2019(第二十一届)中国风险投资论坛”将于2019年5月30日至6月1日在广州南沙隆重举行。 本届论坛以“新时代、新经济,资本赋能粤港澳大湾区:开放、合作、创新”为主题,届时将有1000+风险投资大咖,国家及地方政府引导基金负责人,上市公司总裁,独角兽企业/类独角兽企业创始人,200+中央及地方政策制定者、经济学家,及主流财经记者齐聚广州,在全球新形势与大变革的环境下,汇聚行业最有力量的声音,把脉热点产业的风口走势,谋划中国经济发展新图景,为粤港澳大湾区打造成为国际一流湾区和世界级城市群建言献策。 大咖云集,谋定风投新机遇 作为我国创投-创新-创业领域的一面旗帜,中国风险投资论坛精英荟萃,云集了国内政界、经济界、投资界、商界的精英。目前确定主讲嘉宾近100位,包括中国证券投资基金业协会党委书记、会长洪磊,中国税务学会会长、全国人大财政经济委员会委员汪康,弗里曼讲席教授、清华大学经济管理学院院长白重恩,中银国际控股有限公司首席执行官兼执行总裁李彤,广州金融控股集团有限公司党委书记、董事长李舫金,鲲鹏资本董事长彭鸿林,深圳市赛格集团有限公司党委书记、董事长王宝,广州产业投资基金管理有限公司总经理刘志军,上海股权托管交易中心党委书记、总经理张云峰,深圳市创新投资集团有限公司副总裁蒋玉才,浙商创投创始合伙人、董事长陈越孟,东方富海董事长、创始合伙人陈玮,毅达资本董事长、创始合伙人应文禄,基石资本董事长张维,松禾资本创始合伙人、董事长兼总经理罗飞,洪泰基金创始合伙人、洪泰资本控股董事长盛希泰、重庆产业引导基金董事长杨文利,创新工场总裁、合伙人陶宁,上海瑞力投资基金管理有限公司总裁郭箭等大咖,共论资本市场新发展! 众议资本大时代,带你穿越经济周期 围绕“资本赋能粤港澳大湾区:开放、合作、创新”主题,本届论坛特设1场高层论坛——“资本大时代”,邀请顶级投资人、经济学家畅议新形势下资本市场的发展趋势与挑战。 同时,6月1日,14场主题论坛并行举办。趋势篇围绕“价值投资、募资困境、科创板、金融科技融合”等主题展开,通过对价值投资的探讨,精准解决募资困境,让价值投资更有价值,让金融与科技深度融合。行业篇围绕“生命科技、清洁技术、制造强国、人工智能、文化产业”等主题展开,从资本出发,通过探究风险投资如何为这些产业赋能,把脉未来产业的趋势,让资本引导产业发展,让产业为资本创造更多财富。 LP&GP大聚会,破解募资困局 随着“资管新规”的落地,风险投资行业面临着巨大的挑战,募资困难、投资放缓、退出不畅,资本寒冬不绝于耳。 为此,本届论坛期间将举办系列的LP&GP无缝链接活动,届时将有包括国家集成电路产业投资基金、国家中小企业发展基金、国家科技成果转化引导基金、合众集团、歌斐资产、江西省发升级引导基金、粤科金融、元禾控股、深圳市政府引导基金、广州基金、广东省创新创业引导基金、湖北省长江经济带产业引导基金、山东省省级股权投资引导基金、深圳市天使引导基金、上海市创业投资引导基金、前海股权母基金、苏州高新区政策性引导基金、深圳市福田引导基金、LGT 资本、徐州市产业发展引导基金、盈富泰克、金晟资产、宜信财富、盛景网联、熠美投资、龙树资本等100多家机构LP及高净值投资人士参与,与GP进行深度的对接,破解募资困局。 粤港澳大湾区论坛,赋能湾区腾飞 《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》的印发为粤港澳科技创新格局带来历史性机遇,为大湾区建设成为全球科技创新高地和新兴产业重要策源地提出了更高标准。本届论坛期间特设粤港澳大湾区分论坛,围绕“粤港澳协同发展,打造国际金融枢纽”、“风险投资赋能粤港澳大湾区国际科创中心建设”等主题展开,邀请大湾区政策制定者、经济学家、湾区建设者齐聚,探讨大湾区建设当中的机遇与挑战,为粤港澳大湾区打造国际金融枢纽及国际科创中心建言献策,赋能世界级湾区的腾飞。 金投奖重磅发布,鉴行业风向标 5月31日,由中国风险投资研究院打造的中国风险投资年度大奖——2019金投奖在论坛举办期间隆重发布,并将评选结果公布于中国风险投资论坛公众号,敬请关注! 金投奖是中国风险投资研究院基于强大的行业数据与研究基础所产生的,用以表彰对风险投资行业做出卓越贡献、对行业具有重大影响力甚至改变行业格局的投资机构和投资人。榜单设置全面科学,包括天使投资榜、VC榜、PE榜、LP榜、产业榜、综合榜、中介榜等。 目前,金投奖已成为考察中国VC/PE机构权威的、客观的体系与标准,成为众多政府引导基金的参考辅助数据,有力地推动了风险投资行业更加规范与透明。 中国风险投资论坛是业界公认的国内风险投资领域最顶尖的平台交流盛宴,论坛发出的众多呼声和建议已被中央许多部门采纳,在业界产生了重大的决策影响力、学术影响力和社会影响力。百家争鸣,千岩竞秀,2019年,“中国风险投资论坛(CVCF)”走进了第21个年头,中国风险投资研究院将发挥论坛的平台优势,为创造全球一流粤港澳大湾区赋能。 在此,特别感谢广州金控基金管理有限公司、广东省粤科金融集团有限公司、广州产业投资基金管理有限公司、深圳市高新投集团有限公司、上海国际创投投资管理有限公司、基石资产管理股份有限公司、李氏大药厂控股有限公司、深圳百年干细胞生物科技有限公司、深圳新恒利达管理有限公司、上海宝茂投资集团有限公司、深圳市众投邦股份有限公司、天津市潮人资产管理有限公司、福韵数据服务有限公司、广州蓝奥信息科技有限公司、武汉科技投资有限公司、上海捷宝投资有限公司、深圳道格资本管理有限公司、深圳力合清源创业投资管理有限公司、深圳仙瞳资本管理有限公司、招商银行股份有限公司广州分行、北京澳银资本投资管理有限公司、上海德丰杰龙升创业投资管理中心(有限合伙)、楚商领先(武汉)创业投资基金管理有限公司、大米创投基金有限公司、深圳布谷天阙股权投资基金管理有限公司、国宏嘉信(深圳)股权投资管理有限公司、泸州老窖国窖酒类销售股份有限公司、泸州老窖优选供应链管理有限公司、广州医药集团有限公司、北京态金科技有限公司的鼎力支持! 欲知论坛更多精彩内容,敬请持续关注中国风险投资论坛最新动态。 论坛官方网站:http://www.cvcri.com/forum/2019/ 第二十一届 中国风险投资论坛


寻找科创板之独角兽(广州﹒南沙) 项目征集火热进行中   “2019(第二届)中国新锐独角兽大赛——寻找科创板之独角兽”将于5月30日在广州南沙隆重举行。本届大赛由广州南沙开发区(自贸区南沙片区)管委会、中国青年创业就业基金会、中国风险投资研究院、南沙股权投资基金管理有限公司联合主办,广州风投资本研究院有限公司、深圳中投风险投资研究发展有限公司承办,广州市地方金融监督管理局支持。 “2018首届中国未来独角兽大赛”于2018年6月在深圳落下帷幕,大赛从几千家创新企业中精选出21个优质项目进行了现场PK,参赛及获奖企业在赛后在得到相关产业政策支持后,积极落户深圳,为深圳成为创新之都再添新章。 2019年200多家顶级投资机构将携千亿资本齐聚广州南沙,寻找科创板之独角兽 本届大赛以“寻找科创板之独角兽”为主题,旨在为国内外创新创业企业与风险投资搭建投融资对接平台,发掘培育具有投资潜质的新锐独角兽企业,落户广州,助力粤港澳大湾区的科技与创新!组委会将从全国范围内征集优质项目,通过海选、初选,最终将决出前20个项目进入最终角逐。大赛将邀请由30位来自红杉资本、IDG资本、深圳创新投、软银中国、君联资本、广州基金、鲲鹏资本、粤科金融集团、启明创投、东方富海、北极光创投、德同资本、达晨创投、基石资本、深圳高新投、上海国际创投、青云创投、中国风投、创东方等知名投资机构合伙人组成的重量级评委导师团及200多位顶级投资机构代表携千亿资本齐聚广州南沙,寻找科创板之独角兽。同时大赛还将邀请数十位主流财经记者参与大赛并全程播报,拓展大赛的传播力度与广度。大赛将充分发挥资源大平台的优势,加速资本、人才、创新企业的转化对接,为推动中国独角兽企业落户广州蓄力! 千里马常有,而伯乐不常有,在这里有温度的项目能遇到有态度的投资人。这是一次海内外投资基金管理者、天使投资人、投资银行家与最具投资潜质创新企业激情碰撞的难得机会。 目前大赛正在火热征集项目当中,敬请登录大赛官方网站报名。 大赛官方网站:http://www.cvcri.com/csim/2019/ 大赛官方邮箱:CSIM@cvcri.com 第二十一届 中国风险投资论坛


ALL COMMERCIAL LAWYERS are familiar with the standard (or boilerplate) clause in commercial agreements that, in English, is called a ‘severability’, ‘severance’ or ‘invalidity’ clause and, in Chinese, is called ‘可分割性条款’. Such a clause confirms the...


Skrine ESTABLISHED IN 1963 Total number of professionals: 118 Number of partners: 47 Number of associates: 71 Principal office: Kuala Lumpur Firm overview Skrine is one of the largest full-service law firms in Malaysia with a depth of experience in a range of...
Agents ad litem


ALL JURISDICTIONS require rules governing the ways in which evidence is obtained for the purpose of legal proceedings. The existence of such rules is essential to ensuring that legal proceedings are conducted in a fair and...
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ALL LAWYERS ARE AWARE OF the duty of confidentiality. It is one of the most fundamental and important duties that lawyers owe to their clients. Another fundamental duty is the duty to avoid conflicts of...
Law.jobs Law.asia




APREVIOUS LEXICON COLUMN discussed the phenomenon that is known as fintech (see China Business Law Journal volume 7 issue 8: Fintech and smart contracts). Reflecting the combination of “finance” and “technology”, fintech focuses on...


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Gagrats ESTABLISHED IN 2005 Total number of professionals: 60+ Principal office: Mumbai Other offices: New Delhi, Dubai Key practice areas: Arbitration, asset-based finance, aviation, banking & finance, capital markets, competition law, commercial law, corporate, dispute resolution, exchange control, franchising,...
What are the key principles of Islamic finance?


THIS ARTICLE considers the concept of subrogation in common law jurisdictions. It begins by explaining the terminology and how the concept applies in the context of guarantees and insurance contracts. It then considers the...


VERUS ESTABLISHED IN 2011 Total number of professionals: 30 (5 partners) Principal office: Mumbai Other offices: New Delhi, Kolkata Key practice areas: Corporate advisory/transactions: mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures, banking & finance, private equity, infrastructure & projects, capital markets,...


LexOrbis ESTABLISHED IN 1997 Total number of professionals: 65 (8 partners) Principal office: New Delhi Other offices: Mumbai, Bengaluru Key practice areas: Patents, designs, trademarks, copyright, plant varieties, geographical indications, competition, sports, media & entertainment, trade secrets, unfair competition,...


INDUSLAW ESTABLISHED IN 2000 Total number of professionals: 147 (27 partners) Offices: Bengaluru, New Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai Key practice areas: Anti-bribery & anti-corruption, banking & finance, financial services, capital markets & international offerings, competition law, corporate & commercial,...


The arrangements for managing and making payments in commercial transactions are often very complex. One reason for the complexity is the risk associated with payments. For example, in a sale and purchase transaction, the...


What it means to be a partner at an Indian law firm and why it may matter to clients  By Rebecca Abraham India’s legal profession differs from most other jurisdictions, with established firms housing some of...


Previous Correspondents


A bi-monthly magazine that clarifies the legal and regulatory environment in key Asian jurisdictions and arms its readers with the tools to seize opportunity, manage risk, implement effective legal solutions and identify the most...


Intrepid Indian law firms are setting up offices overseas. What are the practicalities, perks and perils of such ventures? Vandana Chatlani investigates As Indian businesses become more global in their outlook and operations, forward-looking Indian law...


There are many circumstances in which two or more separate law firms – which we will refer to as “cocounsel” for the purpose of this article – cooperate in providing legal services to clients...


The secondment of lawyers within a law firm, and between a law firm and a client organisation, is common in many jurisdictions today. So common, in fact, that many clients expect their law firms...


What Indian companies need to know about protecting their intellectual property around the world. By Nandini Lakshman Last year, India adopted the Madrid Protocol agreement for the international registration of marks. India’s accession couldn’t have...


Copyright belongs to that category of rights that we refer to as “intellectual property rights”. It confers both economic rights on the owner (e.g. the right to copy and sell a written work) and...
Backdating documents


In common law jurisdictions, three elements are required for the formation of a legally binding contract: offer and acceptance; intention to create legal relations; and consideration. Of these three elements, perhaps the most difficult...


Arbitration fails to prevail over litigation as parties to disputes continue to battle it out in India’s overburdened courts. Rebecca Abraham reports In December 2003, the Law Commission of India produced a report titled “Proposals for constitution...
Backdating documents


In the previous column, “Without prejudice”, we considered the purpose and effect of the “without prejudice” rule. This is sometimes referred to as “without prejudice privilege”. In this column, we will look at the...
Backdating documents


Partnership is a familiar structure to many lawyers, not only because of the important legal concepts that it embodies but also because many lawyers practise in this form. Perhaps the most important aspect of partnership...
China Business Law Journal


Someone famous once said: because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are. Change, or transformation, is an inevitability that can signify growth, serve as an indicator to...
Backdating documents


It is said that if you know others and know yourself, you will not be imperilled in a hundred battles; if you do not know others but know yourself, you will win one and...


A view-finding survey of lawyers provides an insightful focus on the big issues, negative and positive, confronting the legal sector, write Staphany Wong and Richard Li The question we’ve been asking is: ‘What’s on your...
Business Law Journal, letter to the editor


Dear Editor, Thank you very much for your article on junior lawyers (Survival of the fittest) published in the February issue of India Business Law Journal. The article was really interesting and gave an insight...
Chinamax “中国之最”号


In May, the first Chinamax nudged its way into Guanabara Bay in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Chinamax is a new class of bulk carrier, 362 metres long and able to carry 400,000...
China Business Law Journal


In mid-March, the fourth plenary session of the 11th National People’s Congress approved the People’s Republic of China’s 12th five-year plan. The plan emphasizes innovation as a source of future economic growth and a...
TDM Infrastructure Pvt Ltd v UE Development Indian Pvt Ltd & Ors international commercial arbitration


In a landmark decision with significant implications for international commercial arbitration, the Supreme Court of India in TDM Infrastructure Pvt Ltd v UE Development Indian Pvt Ltd & Ors, decided on 14 May, while...


Among the key implications of India’s Patent Act is its lack of clarity, explains Pravin Anand. TThe Indian Patent Law has been substantially mod ernized over the last two-and-a-half years. On Janu ary 1 2005...

  EQUITY CAPITAL MARKETS AAG Energy taken private Air China's USD2.1bn private A-share placement Baimtec Material’s USD1bn Star Market IPO Bitdeer’s Nasdaq listing via SPAC China Eastern’s USD2.1bn private A-share placement China Southern’s private placement...

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