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Tag: China Power International

Risky landing

Senior in-house counsel at China Power International analyse risks for overseas energy power plant investments, and delve into defence strategies


India Automobile Compliance

Auto industry product liability and recall

By Pradeep Ratnam and Aaroh Bhargava, Kochhar & Co.
Protecting Performer's Rights in the Philippines

Asserting performers’ rights in the digital music space

By Ernest Luigi A Manzanares, Federis & Associates Law Offices
Foreign investment reforms Vietnam

Landmark Changes

Foreign investment reforms in Vietnam's property sector


Secondary editing short videos

Key compliance points for secondary editing of short videos

By Cheng Shixiong, AllBright Law Offices
Roll-up Vehicles in Indiavideo

Roll-up vehicles driving early-stage investments

By Swathi Girimaji and Sachit Ram, Bharucha & Partners
Incorporation of Arbitration Clausevideo

Reference to arbitration must be specific

By Sudeshna Guha Roy and Alabh Lal, Bharucha & Partners

Customs protection of IPRs and compliance guidance in cross-border e-commerce

By Jia Xiaoning and Ningjing, AllBright Law Offices

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