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Tag: Data Trading

Assessing compliance of trading in geoinfo data products

By Wei Jie and Han Xiangli, Blossom & Credit Law Firm


Being on the same page

A collaborative approach between policymakers is a must for shaping digital regulation in India

Anti-counterfeiting efforts in Asia

INTA’s APAC factor

INTA's Asia-Pacific chief discusses his top regional IP issues ahead of the association's annual meeting

Strategies to tackle non-compliant overseas investment procedures

By Guo Xin, Xie Aqiang, and Zhu Zhu, Grandway Law Offices


Uninvited takeover bids' unprecedented rise in Japan

Taking on uninvited takeover bids

Publicly traded Japanese companies are facing novel pressures to deal with unexpected acquirers knocking on their doors


Secondary editing short videos

Key compliance points for secondary editing of short videos

By Cheng Shixiong, AllBright Law Offices
Roll-up Vehicles in Indiavideo

Roll-up vehicles driving early-stage investments

By Swathi Girimaji and Sachit Ram, Bharucha & Partners
Incorporation of Arbitration Clausevideo

Reference to arbitration must be specific

By Sudeshna Guha Roy and Alabh Lal, Bharucha & Partners

Customs protection of IPRs and compliance guidance in cross-border e-commerce

By Jia Xiaoning and Ningjing, AllBright Law Offices

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