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Tag: Bill of Rights Ordinance

Habeas corpus

This column examines the principle that detainees should have access to court review to ensure their detention's legality


SEP owners' relief destination India

Is India the next big destination for relief to SEP owners?

By Pallavi Bhatnagar, Gitanjali Sharma, and Gursimran Singh Narula, Anand and Anand
Medical parallel imports regulation

Getting to the regulatory heart of medical parallel imports

By Che Xiaoyan and Wang Xi, Llinks Law Offices
Indonesia's trademark regulation

An analysis of trademark law in Indonesia

By Emirsyah Dinar, AFFA Intellectual Property Rights


Advanced Analytics in Real Estate

Advanced analytics aid real estate decisions

By Ashoo Gupta, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co.
Constructive Dismissal In India

Constructive dismissal: The quiet firing

By Agrima Awasthi, Shivanshu Sharma and Diksha Singh, Wadhwa Law Offices
Renewable Purchase Obligations

Renewable purchase obligations apply to electricity cogeneration

By Abhishek Tripathi and Rahul Bangia, Sarthak Advocates & Solicitors


Secondary editing short videos

Key compliance points for secondary editing of short videos

By Cheng Shixiong, AllBright Law Offices
Roll-up Vehicles in Indiavideo

Roll-up vehicles driving early-stage investments

By Swathi Girimaji and Sachit Ram, Bharucha & Partners
Incorporation of Arbitration Clausevideo

Reference to arbitration must be specific

By Sudeshna Guha Roy and Alabh Lal, Bharucha & Partners

Customs protection of IPRs and compliance guidance in cross-border e-commerce

By Jia Xiaoning and Ningjing, AllBright Law Offices

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