FICL launches website

FICL website
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The Federation of Indian Corporate Lawyers (FICL) launched its official website,, on 7 October.

Rohan Sharma, the FICL’s director of administration in New Delhi, said that the website aimed to keep the association in line with its ethos, engagement and professional development of the corporate legal community in India.

“We have specifically opted for a digital publishing platform for our website so that our viewers can be kept abreast of the latest legal developments,” Sharma told Asia Business Law Journal. “The content can be easily viewed on multiple devices and shared on social media platforms.”

Ashok Sharma, founder and CEO of the FICL in New Delhi, added that the organisation also planned to organise professional development programmes, including online or in-person web conferences, more details of which would be available on its website and social media as events came about.

The FICL’s patron, Lalit Bhasin, who is also president of the Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF) in New Delhi, said that the website “will be a useful tool to disseminate knowledge, awareness and information about contemporaneous developments in the corporate world, and corporate laws.”

The SILF has partnered with the FICL for various events in the past couple of years. “SILF believes that corporate lawyers play a pivotal role in the functioning of the corporate sector,” says Bhasin. “FICL not only brings the in-house together, but also with other constituents of the legal fraternity.”

SB Mitra, honorary president of the FICL in New Delhi, said the organisation provided a national platform for policy advocacy and knowledge sharing amongst India’s corporate legal community, and promoted professional recognition of corporate lawyers within the broader legal community in India.

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