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Singhania & Co

Total number of professionals: 12 (2 partners)
Principal office: Mumbai
Other office: New Delhi, plus affiliated offices pan-India

Key practice areas: Arbitration & alternate dispute resolution, aviation, banking & finance, commercial & corporate, employment law, IP, litigation, media, shipping, and real estate.

Our services: Singhania & Co is a boutique corporate, transactional and litigation law firm having expertise of over 25 years. Our founder and managing partner, Krrishan Singhania, is an expert in international arbitration, trademark, maritime and aviation law.

The firm is established and recognized for advising foreign companies on setting up operations in India, including advising on business structures, obtaining requisite permissions and drafting the relevant documents. We have a generation of experience in representing foreign clients in arbitration proceedings in India and abroad. Our aviation practice includes drafting aircraft leases and giving legal opinions. Our real estate practice includes the drafting of all relevant documents and conducting due diligence. Our IP practice includes registration of trademarks, patents, designs, copyrights and geographical indications. We provide legal assistance on maritime matters, such as investigating and litigating all maritime claims, and drafting and reviewing charter-party and shipping agency agreements.


事务所简介:Singhania & Co律师事务所是一家在公司、交易和诉讼领域拥有超过25年经验的精品律师事务所。我们的创始人和管理合伙人Krrishan Singhania是国际仲裁、商标、海事法和航空法领域的专家。

Singhania & Co律师事务所因其为外国公司在印度运营提供法律服务而出名,包括就商业架构提供建议、取得必要的许可并起草相关文件。我们在代理外国客户参加印度和海外仲裁程序方面拥有丰富的经验。我们的航空法业务包括起草飞机租赁协议并出具法律意见。我们的不动产业务包括起草所有相关文件并进行尽职调查。我们的知识产权业务包括商标、专利、设计、著作权和地理标志注册。我们就航运事项提供法律服务,包括海事索赔调查和诉讼,起草并审阅租船合同和船舶代理协议。


事務所概要:Singhania & Coは、25年以上に渡り、法人、取引および訴訟を専門に扱う法律事務所です。当事務所の創設者でありマネージングパートナーのKrrishan Singhaniaは、国際仲裁、商標、海事および航空法の専門家です。


주요 업무 분야: 중재 및 대체 분쟁 해결, 항공, 은행 및 금융, 상업 및 기업, 고용법, 지적 재산권(IP), 소송, 미디어, 운송 및 부동산.

회사개요: Singhania & Co는 25년 이상 전문 지식을 축적한 기업, 거래 및 소송 법률 회사입니다. 창립자이자 관리 파트너인 Krrishan Singhania씨는 국제 중재, 상표권, 해상 및 항공법 전문가입니다.

본사는 기업 구조에 대한 자문, 필요한 허가 획득 및 관련 문서 초안 작성을 포함하여 인도에서 사업을 시작하는 외국 기업에 자문을 제공하는 회사로 설립 및 승인되었습니다. 저희는 오랜 기간 동안 인도와 해외의 중재 절차에서 외국 고객을 대변한 경험이 풍부합니다. 항공 업무에는 항공기 임대 계약서 작성 및 법적 의견 제공을 포함합니다. 부동산 업무에는 모든 관련 문서의 초안 작성 및 실사 진행을 포함합니다. 지적 재산권 업무에는 상표, 특허, 디자인, 저작권 및 지리적 표시 등록을 포함합니다. 저희는 모든 해상 분쟁에 대한 조사 및 소송, 용선 계약서 및 물류 기업 계약서의 초안의 작성과 검토와 같은 다양한 해상 문제에 대한 법률 지원을 제공합니다.

Indian space sector

FDI blasts off into the space sector

By Rohit Jain and Keshav Singhania, Singhania & Co
The Indian space sector has become a beacon of excellence and technological development, propelling India to the forefront of the global space business. During...
National Infrastructure and Investment Fund India

NIIF the stealth hero of infrastructure investment

By Rohit Jain and Nitish Mawkin, Singhania & Co
The National Infrastructure and Investment Fund (NIIF) was established in 2015 as a trust, registering as a category-II alternative investment fund (AIF) under regulation...
Fintech new incentive scheme

Fintech goes mainstream through new incentive scheme

By Rohit Jain and Kunal Sharma, Singhania & Co. 
The fintech sector in India has become a global leader. It has built the largest ecosystem and enjoyed the fastest growth. By 2025, its...
Indian Defence Sector Reforms

FDI taking up arms in the defence sector

By Pradeep Jain and Apeksha Lodha, Singhania & Co.
India’s defence sector has long been a government-controlled industry with limited private sector participation. However, the need for modernisation, self-reliance and defence exports has...
FDI opportunities for India

AIFs provide safety in numbers for FDI

By Rohit Jain and Roopal Bajaj, Singhania & Co
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is significant for the global economy and is also critical to India’s economic advancement. Defying worldwide sluggish performance, India has...

Suite # 102-103
Jolly Maker Chambers – II
Nariman Point
Mumbai – 400 021, India
T: +91 22 2202 0320/21/22
E: mumbai@singhanialaw.com

Mr Krrishan Singhania
E: kgs@singhanialaw.com


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