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Tag: IP Lifecycle

LexOrbis partners with Researchwire for IP advancements

LexOrbis has partnered with Researchwire (RW), a consultancy based in Mumbai specialising in intellectual property and technological research


counterfeiters raid legal guidelines

Busting the counterfeiters

Raids on counterfeiters: Legal dos and don'ts

Risk of unfair competition in platform data capture

By Chen Jing and Meng Xiaodi, Commerce & Finance Law Offices
IPR protection for companies going overseas

IPR protection for companies going abroad

By Frank Liu, Shanghai Pacific Legal
Constructive Dismissal In India

Constructive dismissal: The quiet firing

By Agrima Awasthi, Shivanshu Sharma and Diksha Singh, Wadhwa Law Offices


Secondary editing short videos

Key compliance points for secondary editing of short videos

By Cheng Shixiong, AllBright Law Offices
Roll-up Vehicles in Indiavideo

Roll-up vehicles driving early-stage investments

By Swathi Girimaji and Sachit Ram, Bharucha & Partners
Incorporation of Arbitration Clausevideo

Reference to arbitration must be specific

By Sudeshna Guha Roy and Alabh Lal, Bharucha & Partners

Customs protection of IPRs and compliance guidance in cross-border e-commerce

By Jia Xiaoning and Ningjing, AllBright Law Offices

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